
Ag nanostructure-based surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) substrates tend to be oxidized and corroded by sulfides owing to their large specific surface area, resulting in severe deterioration. Contrastingly, micrometer-sized Ag structures are more chemically stable. Nevertheless, no reports exist on the utilization of Ag microstructures as SERS substrates, as they lack hot spots. Herein, for the first time, SERS is observed in helical Ag structures with coil diameters and pitches of the micrometer order. The geometry-dominated anisotropic SERS effect is investigated by controlling the shape of Ag microcoils. A new model is proposed to elucidate the mechanism of hot spot formation in Ag microcoils. The results of this study should aid efforts to develop improved SERS substrates.

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