
Reversible (anelasticity) and the irreversible (viscosity) relaxations in the amorphous alloy Zr 65 Cu 17.5 Ni 10 Al 7.5 have been investigated by means of creep and mechanic after-effect measurements of the shear strain, which were performed in an inverted torsion pendulum. For the evaluation of the measurements a new relaxation model is proposed which takes into account that in the range of the glass-transition temperature T g the local atomic arrangement is steadely changing. By introducing a finite mean life time τ f of local structure units we are able to trace the origin of the anelasticity and the viscosity to the same atomic relaxation processes. The temperature dependence of the viscosity η measured between 560 K and 668 K shows a jump in the activation energy at Tg = 606 K from 2.1 eV below T g to 5.6 eV above T g .

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