
The ancient township of Vadnagar tells a story of a long chain of cultural diversity and exchange. Vadnagar has been continuously habituated and shows a presence of rich cultural amalgamation and continuous momentary sequences between the 2th century BCE and present-day. Seven cultural periods developed a complex and enriched settlement at Vadnagar in spatio-temporality. Although archaeological studies done on this oldest settlement suggested a rich cultural heritage, the genetic studies to pinpoint the genetic ancestry was lacking till date. In our current study we have for the first time reconstructed the complete mitogenomes of medieval individuals of the Vadnagar archaeological site in Gujarat. The study aimed to investigate the cosmopolitan nature of the present population as well as the migratory pattern and the inflow of different groups through trade, cultural and religious practices. Our analysis suggests heterogeneous nature of the medieval population of Vadnagar with presence of deeply rooted local ancestral components as well as central Asian genetic ancestry. This Central Asian component associated with mitochondrial haplotype U2e was not shared with any individual from India, but rather with individuals from the Bronze Age of Tajikistan and with an earlier age of coalescence. In summary, we propose that the medieval site of Vadnagar in western India was rich in cultural and genetic aspects, with both local and western Eurasian components.

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