
Martian Geology Since 2012, the Curiosity rover has been diligently studying rocky outcrops on Mars, looking for clues about past water, climate, and habitability. Grotzinger et al. describe the analysis of a huge section of sedimentary rocks near Gale crater, where Mount Sharp now stands (see the Perspective by Chan). The features within these sediments are reminiscent of delta, stream, and lake deposits on Earth. Although individual lakes were probably transient, it is likely that there was enough water to fill in low-lying depressions such as impact craters for up to 10,000 years. Wind-driven erosion removed many of these deposits, creating Mount Sharp. Science , this issue p. [10.1126/science.aac7575][1], see also p. [167][2] [1]: /lookup/doi/10.1126/science.aac7575 [2]: /lookup/doi/10.1126/science.aad0902

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