
Kodo millet is one of the underutilized lost crops that has renowned nutritional and climate resilient traits. As a gluten free nutricereal, it is now being consumed in a fashion similar to that of rice and several value-added products are arising in the market day by day. Hence, this study on variability and correlation in M4 mutants have been carried out to favor superior varietal development in kodo millet to sustain nutritional security in future. In this study, around 635 M4 mutants were evaluated during Kharif 2019 on Millet Breeding Station of Coimbatore (India), with thirteen morphological traits. Among all, high PCV and GCV values were observed in plant height, panicle length, flag leaf length, seeds per panicle, culm thickness and seed yield. This presented the presence of genetic variability in the population. The prospects of effective selection with high heritability and genetic advance were exhibited by plant height, panicle length, panicle branches, flag leaf length, flag leaf breadth, seeds per panicle, stomatal number, chlorophyll index, culm thickness and seed yield per plant due to the presence of additive gene action. The correlation among traits towards yield revealed the significant positive correlation of all traits except for culm thickness and the highest associated traits were seeds per panicle and number of panicle branches. Therefore, these traits could be further focused for selection and improvement of yield in successive generations and other kodo breeding programs.

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