
This research explores the transition towards the modern era from the brutal scenario of World Wars I &II. Different kind of fiction was produced in this context and every writer has tried his/her level best to present that dilemma in his/her own way. It pre-sents a clear picture that which sort of elements were there to bring that specific change and transition towards the modern era in 20th century. It has brought the ur-ban settlements and rapid growth in the industrial deeds. During that specific time, fascism, consumer culture, surveillance, anti- intellectualism, media influence com-munism and totalitarianism were on the peak. All these factors lead the writers to create dystopian fiction and it formed a striking literary movement. This research is limited to the three dystopian novels of 20th century including Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, Lord of the Flies by William Golding and 1984 by George Orwell. This research is qualitative in nature, Marxist, Althusserian and Freudian theories support this research as a primary theoretical framework. This research is helpful to know about the Pre and Post World Wars scenario and to know about the socio-political scenario of the present day world.

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