
We derive explicitly the soft SUSY breaking parameters at arbitrary low energy scale in the (deflected) mirage type mediation scenarios with possible gauge or Yukawa mediation contributions. Based on the Wilsonian effective action after integrating out the messengers, we obtain analytically the boundary value (at the GUT scale) dependencies of the effective wavefunctions and gauge kinetic terms. Note that the messenger scale dependencies of the effective wavefunctions and gauge kinetic terms had already been discussed in GMSB. The RGE boundary value dependencies, which is a special feature in (deflected) mirage type mediation, is the key new ingredients in this study. The appearance of ‘mirage’ unification scale in mirage mediation is proved rigorously with our analytical results. We also discuss briefly the new features in deflected mirage mediation scenario in the case the deflection comes purely from the Kahler potential and the case with messenger-matter interactions.

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