
Summary form only given. A computer analysis was performed to determine the effects of wind on the Heavy Water Reactor Facility (HWRF) Passive Containment Cooling System (PCCS). The PCCS is designed to remove heat released to the containment following a postulated beyond design basis event. Because the PCCS relies on natural convection and buoyancy-driven flow to remove heat, external wind effects must be evaluated to assure that the system performance is not degraded for any credible wind condition. The TEMPEST code was used to analyze the HWRF PCCS for various wind velocities and directions. A 3-D model for the PCCS and surrounding structures was constructed, and the results of this analysis indicate that the design is essentially wind-neutral, with no appreciable increased or decreased performance for wind speeds of 0-60 ft/s. The results of this analysis will be used to provide pretest predictions for wind tunnel testing scheduled for 1993. >

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