
Application of quality systems attributes will enhance the management of an analytical laboratory. A coaching and participative leadership style, supporting quality and “walking the talk” can inspire staff to practice quality control and even induce continuous (Kaizen) improvement in method performance criteria and other scientific and organisational processes. Empowerment of staff with sufficient responsibility and authority to enable the necessary decision making is essential for most efficient operation. Teamwork including quality improvement teams provide synergistic value. In addition to advances in science, customer satisfaction and marketing potential also benefit from the strategy. Often, the key to opening the door to these benefits is effecting an organisational culture change, preferably initiated at the organisational management level through training and awareness programs, promoting quality attributes. Organisational culture remains the single largest hurdle in most effective utilisation of a quality system and attainment of maximum associated benefits. Prevention and appraisal quality costs are necessary organisational investments whereas external failure quality costs cannot be afforded. In addition to the above topics, participation in proficiency and collaborative studies, quality control and particularly Shewhart and cumulative sum control charts, quality documentation and review, auditing, corrective action, quality improvement tools, role clarification and performance feedback, survey techniques and other quality characteristics are assessed for laboratory management. Quality standards including the ISO 9000 certification series and the ISO Guide 25 for laboratory accreditation and assessment criteria for the Australian Quality Awards are also examined as they relate to laboratory management.

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