
Yttria stabilised zirconia (YSZ) inert matrix fuel (IMF) fabricated at PSI and irradiated 3 years in the Halden Material Test Reactor (HBWR) since 2000, has been examined by Electron Probe Microanalysis (EPMA) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS) after irradiation and compared with data gained for the unirradiated material. The examined pellet cross-section was estimated to have an equivalent burn-up of 22MWdkg−1. EPMA measurements demonstrate that the burn-up was rather flat over more than the half pellet radius. A Pu consumption of about 2.5 wt% has been measured with a higher rate in the fuel border zone. The high fuel temperature is responsible for a certain homogenisation of the mineral phases in the fuel centre region whereas the border zone has remained rather with an as-fabricated phase distribution. The central part was also characterised by a dense porosity distribution as well as a temperature and relocation driven depletion of the volatile fission products Xe and Cs. In addition, SIMS has been realised on the same specimen in order to determine the semi-quantitative distribution of different isotopes in the pellet.

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