
Estimates of the convective flows driven by horizontal temperature gradients in the vertical Bridgman configuration are made for dilute systems subject to the low level accelerations typical of the residual accelerations experienced by a spacecraft in low Earth orbit. The estimates are made by solving the Navier-Stokes momentum equation in one dimension. The mass transport equation is then solved in two dimensions using a first-order perturbation method. This approach is valid provided the convective velocities are small compared to the growth velocity which generally requires a reduced gravity environment. If this condition is satisfied, there will be no circulating cells, and hence no convective transport along the vertical axis. However, the variations in the vertical velocity with radius will give rise to radial segregation. The approximate analytical model developed here can predict the degree of radial segregation for a variety of material and processing parameters to an accuracy well within a factor of two as compared against numerical computations of the full set of Navier-Stokes equations for steady accelerations. It has the advantage of providing more insight into the complex interplay of the processing parameters and how they affect the solute distribution in the grown crystal. This could be extremely valuable in the design of low-gravity experiments in which the intent is to control radial segregation. Also, the analysis can be extended to consider transient and periodic accelerations, which is difficult and costly to do numerically. Surprisingly, it was found that the relative radial segregation falls as the inverse cube of the frequency for periodic accelerations whose periods are short compared with the characteristic diffusion time.

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