
DHOA (Di-n-hexyl-octanamide) is one of the alternative extractants to TBP (tri-n-butyl phosphate) known for the extraction of uranium from moderate nitric acid medium without significant extraction of the fission products. Analytical application of DHOA was explored to develop a methodology for determination of trace metallic constituents in uranium based nuclear materials. This involved the separation of uranium matrix by 1.1 M DHOA-dodecane followed by the analysis of the raffinate for trace constituents by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectrometry (ICP-AES). A systematic study showed that four contacts of 1.1 M DHOA-dodecane were required for quantitative extraction of U from 4 M HNO3 feed for the sample size of 1 g in 10 mL. The feasibility of using DHOA for extraction of U from trace metallic constituents in U based fuel materials without losing trace quantities of analytes of interest was studied by using synthetic samples after appropriate spiking of common impurities and critical elements at their required specification limits (common elements—5 ppm, critical elements—1 ppm). A systematic study was carried out to compare the analytical performance of DHOA with TBP, which revealed that DHOA could successfully be employed for the determination of 19 trace constituents with lower estimation limits of 5 ppm for common impurities and 1 ppm for critical elements.

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