
In the face of constant increasing process of new type of urbanization and industrialization, more diverse and open social transition, the past sole government administrative control mode in western ethnic areas has been in a dilemma. Transforming government function, realizing the fundamental transformation from the administrative controls by the government to diversified cooperation governance as soon as possible are not only the inevitable requirement for promoting the innovation in government management and perfecting the system of social governance, but also the choice to maintain and realize the unity and stability of the good situation, explore development model of social democracy and politics with the western characteristics of ethnic areas under the new situation. Based on the on-the-spot investigation and empirical analysis on Buyi autonomous country in Miao village, Kaiyang County, we probe into the issue of diversity of social governance system of the western national regions. Among them, we hold the view that system of social governance structure has multiple major structure and multi-dimensional elements and emphasize that when focusing on government management, we should pay attention to social organization, religion, mass organizations and individual citizens as well as enterprises and institutions and give full play to their roles in social governance system.

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