
The article discusses the main trends in the development of the global education market, provides qualitative and quantitative characteristics of this process in two countries — Russia and China. The author gives the comparative analysis of the efforts of the Russian and Chinese leadership on one of the relevant parameters of the internationalisation of education — attracting international students. Modern education becomes more global, while the student’s mobility increases. That is why there are more and more opportunities to continue training outside the territorial borders of their state. While English-speaking exporting countries have firmly taken their niche in this market, Russia and China have recently become involved in this process. Work with international students today has become an integral tool to strengthen the image of the country abroad. Since the days of the Soviet Union, Russia has accumulated rich experience working with this category of students, but the realities of our time require more activity in this direction. China has recently joined the struggle for overseas talents, but it can already show visible results. The author stated that both Russia and China make significant efforts to bring the universities of their countries to leading positions in world university rankings, to make universities recognisable and popular among international students. Besides, the author emphasised the leading role of the state in determining the strategy for attracting international students to their universities. However, there are many differences in the strategies of the Russian and Chinese authorities that directly affect the dynamics of the internationalisation of education. First of all, this is the difference in the ultimate goals pursued by Russia and China in the struggle for international students. The empirical base of the study was made up of statistical indicators of the ministries of education of the Russian Federation and China as well as data of international organisations.


  • A b s tract The article discusses the main trends in the development of the global education market, provides qualitative and quantitative characteristics of this process in two countries — Russia and China

  • The author gives the comparative analysis of the efforts of the Russian and Chinese leadership on one of the relevant parameters of the internationalisation of education — attracting international students

  • While English-speaking exporting countries have firmly taken their niche in this market, Russia and China have recently become involved in this process

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Анализ опыта работы с иностранными студентами в России и Китае *

Проведен сравнительный анализ усилий российского и китайского руководства по одному из актуальных параметров интернационализации образования — привлечению иностранных студентов. Современное образование становится все более глобальным, повышается мобильность студентов, открывается все больше возможностей для продолжения образования вне территориальных границ своего государства. В то время как англоязычные страны-экспортеры прочно заняли свою нишу на этом рынке, Россия и Китай стремятся сформировать собственную повестку глобального образования. У России со времен Советского Союза накоплен богатый опыт работы с данной категорией студентов, однако реалии современности требуют большей активности на этом направлении. Отмечается, что и Россия, и Китай прикладывают существенные усилия для того, чтобы вывести вузы своих стран на лидирующие позиции в мировых университетских рейтингах, сделать их узнаваемыми и востребованными среди студентов-иностранцев. Это разность конечных целей, которую преследуют Россия и Китай в борьбе за иностранных студентов. В. Анализ опыта работы с иностранными студентами в России и Китае.

Analysis of Work Experience with International Students in Russia and China **
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