
The Bandar Khalipah train station is a class B station which is located very close to residential areas. This has an impact on the noise level that occurs in the area. This study aims to analyze train noise using a sound level meter (SLM) and analyze the effect of train operating time on noise levels. The research method was carried out experimentally. Where noise is measured using SLM at a distance of 1.5 meters from the train and the location of the SLM parallel to an adult’s ear, namely 1.5 meters. Measurements were taken as much as 14 arrivals and 14 departures during the week. The result obtained is that the noise that occurs at departure is 98.4 dB greater than the noise at arrival at 97.7 dB. This is because the sound produced by the engine occurs due to the combustion process which requires air and heat, resulting in smoke gas and sound in the chimney. It turns out that the highest noise occurs at 10.42 to 17.22 WIB, with the largest at 98.4 dB at 12.35 WIB. This is due to the greater daytime conditions of air pressure and temperature. Meanwhile, the lowest noise occurred in the morning and evening, namely at 6.45 WIB at 80.2 dB. Train noise at the Bandar Khalifah station that occurs is above the threshold required by the Noise Level Standard in Various Activity Areas according to the Decree of the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 48 of 1996 that is 70 dB.

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