
One of the key genes, which influence on adaptability of wheat to environments and yield are the VRN1 genes. In recent studies the association of the missense mutations within VERNALIZATION-A1 exon-4 with modulation of quantitative values of such agronomically valuable traits as frost tolerance, vernalization requirement duration and flowering time of wheat was shown. However these investigations were carried out exclusively in varieties of T. aestivum and has not covered of other species of polyploid wheat and the different VRN-A1 alleles. The earlier studies not supposed more than one copy of VRN-A1 per genome. Furthermore only recently it was shown that only several SNPs distinguish the VRN-D4 and VRN-A1 genes. In present study polymorphism of the VRN-A1 exon-4 was investigated in 158 accessions of 6 tetraploid and 5 hexaploid wheat species, carrying the different VRN-A1 alleles. To identification of the VRN-A1 exon-4 haplotypes the co-dominant marker was designed, based on modulation of curvature of the DNA molecule. Polymorphism of the VRN-A1 exon-4 was revealed only in accessions of hexaploid wheat and was associated with the presence of noless than two copies of VRN-A1 per genome. With the exception of one accession the mutant type of exon-4 was identified only in combination with the wild type. Furthermore the allele-specific primers were designed to identification of the VRN-D4 gene or in order to exclude its impact on the results during analysis of the VRN-A1 haplotypes. In the result of expand of analyzed region the additional haplotypes, which are associated with polymorphism of adenine tract within intron-4 were identified. The splitting at haplotype was obtained among accessions carrying only intact exon-4 VRN-A1 and among dominant alleles of this gene. Finally, based on revealed associations between the VRN-A1 alleles and haplotypes the new putative dominant VRN-A1 allele (designated Vrn-A1k), carrying 42 bp insertion within promoter region, was identified in tetraploid wheat of Triticum dicoccum.


  • Как цитировать эту статью: Мутерко А.Ф., Салина Е.А

  • One of the key genes that influence the adaptability of wheat to environments and yield are the VRN1 genes

  • Only recently it was shown that only several SNPs distinguish the VRN-D4 and VRN-A1 genes

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Генетика и селекция растений

Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение «Федеральный исследовательский центр Институт цитологии и генетики Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук», Новосибирск, Россия. В то время как альтернативные доминантные аллели генов VRN1 оказывают различное влияние на количественные показатели ряда качественных признаков в яровых сортах, полиморфизм рецессивного аллеля vrn ассоциирован с модуляцией чувствительности к продолжительности яровизации, морозостойкости, времени выхода в трубку и колошения озимой пшеницы (Chen et al, 2009; Dhillon et al, 2010; Eagles et al, 2011; Díaz et al, 2012; Li et al, 2013; Yan et al, 2015). Предполагается, что поскольку К-домен вовлечен во взаимодействие с другими MADS-бокс содержащими белками, C/T полиморфизм в четвертом экзоне гипотетически может влиять на ряд других признаков, выраженность которых ассоциирована с экспрессией гена VRN-A1 (Eagles et al, 2011). Существующие методы идентификации типа экзона-4 VRN-A1 имеют ряд недостатков, которые ограничивают их широкое применение в исследовании влияния соотношения числа копий гена VRN-A1 с различным типом экзона-4 на фенотип

Plant genetics and breeding
Tetraploid wheat
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