The research devoted to providing the population with preferential medicines is quite relevant, since it is a priority area in the framework of state social assistance. The state program of preferential drug provision affects the effective economic development of the domestic pharmaceutical market, the successful overcoming of social risks, prevents a decrease in the standard of living of the population, in particular, it assumes a significant reduction in patient costs for high-tech medical care. The priority state tasks of improving the preferential drug supply for certain categories of citizens until 2025 are defined in the Strategy for drug provision of the population of the Russian Federation. The article presents the regulatory framework for the implementation of the Strategy on the example of the Krasnodar Territory. Analysis at the regional level of preferential drug provision has made it possible to identify some modern trends in financing this area. The dynamics of growth in funding for drug provision to the privileged category of citizens from the federal budget has been revealed on the basis of the obtained data. The analysis of the provision of preferential drugs on a regional scale, proposed in the research, also tends to increase, which undoubtedly improves the condition of patients in a number of nosological forms. The results of the research are presented by a detailed analysis of the dynamics of the number of citizens eligible for state social assistance in terms of drug provision. The proportion of citizens using preferential drug provision over the past several years is stable. An analysis of the financing of preferential drug provision for residents of the region has revealed a tendency for the growth of subventions to municipalities for the implementation of powers to provide the necessary drugs, respectively, the average amount of funds for drug provision of one resident of the region, who has a corresponding benefit, has increased. Moreover, the analysis has revealed an increase in financing of the privileged category of citizens from the regional budget. As a result of the research, a downward trend in preferential drug provision for citizens from other regions has been revealed, which is due to the limited attendance of the region due to the coronavirus infection. The analysis of the provision of drugs to the population by «high-cost nosologies» indicates an increase in the cost of financing them. The results of the analysis of the implementation of the Strategy for drug provision in the Krasnodar Territory have made it possible to identify the effectiveness of financial state support for certain categories of the population.
The article presents the regulatory framework for the implementation of the Strategy on the example of the Krasnodar Territory
The dynamics of growth in funding for drug provision to the privileged category of citizens from the federal budget has been revealed on the basis of the obtained data
The results of the research are presented by a detailed analysis of the dynamics of the number of citizens eligible for state social assistance in terms of drug provision
Provision in the Krasnodar Territory have made it possible to identify the effectiveness of financial state support for certain categories of the population. For citation: Pilshchikova V.V., Shiltsova T.A., Vasiliev Yu.A. Analysis of the strategy of drug provision of certain categories of the population of the krasnodar region // New technologies.
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