
The end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI centuries were characterized by radical changes in all spheres of social relations. During this period there was an intensive process of breaking the socialist systems of economic activity and the transition to a market economy. These changes can be fully attributed to the epoch-making, because there have been radical changes in all components of various spheres of social relations. Regarding the digital information used in the analysis of the presence of livestock in farms of Lviv region, it is reasonable to say that during the study period significantly decreased the number of farm animals in all categories of farms and in terms of enterprises and households. Regarding the indicators of livestock production in economic entities of Lviv region, the situation here is almost similar in terms of changes in the number of farm animals. The essence of the problem of this study is to analyze the effects of economic processes on the state of livestock development in Lviv region. At the same time, we have selected the main components of the functioning of the industry, namely: the presence of livestock and the volume of livestock production. These indicators are important and form the basis of the industry and therefore they are chosen as the basis that forms the essence of the problem. Our research should encourage scientists to conduct further research on the state of development of animal husbandry with a focus on identifying the causes that inhibited and inhibit the effective functioning of the livestock industry. The obtained research results should become an effective basis for managers and specialists to make rational management decisions to eliminate certain inhibitory factors in the development of animal husbandry.


  • Analysis of the ratio of livestock and livestock production by farms of Lviv region at the turn of the century

  • The end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI centuries were characterized by radical changes in all spheres of social relations

  • During this period there was an intensive process of breaking the socialist systems of economic activity and the transition to a market economy. These changes can be fully attributed to the epoch-making, because there have been radical changes in all components of various spheres of social relations

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The end of the XX and the beginning of the XXI centuries were characterized by radical changes in all spheres of social relations During this period there was an intensive process of breaking the socialist systems of economic activity and the transition to a market economy. При цьому нами обрано основні складові функціонування галузі, а саме: наявність поголів’я сільськогосподарських тварин та обсяги виробництва продукції тваринництва. Враховуючи вищесказане, суть проблеми даного дослідження полягає в тому, щоб проаналізувати наслідки впливу реформуючих процесів на стан розвитку тваринництва. При цьому нами обрано основні складові функціонування тваринницьких галузей, а саме: наявність поголів’я сільськогосподарських тварин та виробництво тваринницької продукції. Метою даної публікації є дослідження наслідків реформуючих процесів, що відбулись в кінці ХХ і на початку ХХІ століть у розвитку тваринництва Львівщини. При цьому ще раз зазначимо, що при дослідженні вищесказаних проблем ми акцентували основну увагу на цифрові зміни у наявності поголів’я сільськогосподарських тварин та обсяги виробництва продукції тваринництва. Які обумовили негативні впливи на розвитку галузі, передбачено дослідити і проаналізувати у наступних публікаціях

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