
Dust-cloud episodes were detected in summer 1999 in the city of Cordoba, southwestern Spain, with a higher frequency than usual. Solid airborne particles were collected using a suction volumetric sampler and analyzed to determine both their nature and their origin. Nonbiological material was mostly identified as mineral sand and partially burned remains of hydrocarbons and stubble. Amounts were estimated in terms of the percentage of microscopic field of view covered. Biological materials, in this case pollen grains, were identified and classified as belonging to either autochthonous or remote flora; in the latter case, the possibility was examined that they might originate in North Africa. Some pollen types were also used as tracers to chart the path followed by the sand clouds within the Iberian Peninsula. Meteorological conditions on the days in which episodes occurred were analyzed. In all cases, very dry southwesterly winds were recorded, at moderate to high speeds, together with temperatures of over 35 degrees C. The increase in airborne pollen detected, together with the large amount of particles collected, could have an adverse effect on health, particularly in pollen allergy sufferers, for whom dust-clouds represent an added risk.

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