
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a big impact on almost all sectors, including the education sector. What felt from this outbreak is the learning process from offline to online. The change in the learning process requires educators to be creative in developing learning resources, especially online learning resources to facilitate the learning. The purpose of this study was to obtain initial data as a requirement for the development of interactive media-based e-modules. The research that will be conducting is descriptive qualitative. The population used is students of SMP/MTs in Malang, with a sample of 30 students of class IX in MTs. Sunan Ampel Poncokusumo, 30 Class IX students at SMPI Nurul Hikmah Assalafiyah Poncokusumo, 15 SMP Sunan Kalijogo Jabung Class IX students at and 15 Class IX students at SMP Plus Fityani Pujon. The instruments used are observation sheets, questionnaires and interview sheets. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, distributing questionnaires and interviews. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of the needs analysis test show that online-based teaching materials are needed to support the learning process in the era of the covid-19 pandemic, where 96.67% of students need an online-based teaching material and 100% of the results of teacher interviews need to develop online-based teaching materials. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that there is a need for the development of interactive media-based e-modules as a learning solution in the pandemic era. The results of this need analysis test can be used as basic data for the development of interactive media-based e-modules.

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