
Quantum physics is changed in an unexpected way. Scientists believe that the study of quantum physics will play an important role in future technology. Therefore, it is meaningful to study quantum physics. The aim of this paper is to provide an initial explanation of the quantum world through the classical single particle double-slit interpretation experiment, and to answer a few questions about the experiment using mainstream quantum mechanical interpretations, such as the Copenhagen interpretation and the Many-Worlds interpretation. The superposition state, which is the core of the Copenhagen interpretation, is then introduced. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox and locality are also introduced, and the relationship between the latter and special relativity is analyzed. The author also discusses whether non-locality leads to retrocausality. Finally, the author discusses the relationship between multi-world interpretation and Schrodinger’s cat, but this may raise some philosophical questions. However, realist and hidden variable interpretation are also consistent as long as locality is abandoned.

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