
Objective. The objective of the article is the analysis of theoretical and practical principles of the hotel industry establishment assortment policy evaluation. Methods. The following research methods and techniques are applied in the research process: analysis, synthesis (to substantiate the existing theoretical approaches to evaluating the assortment policy of the hotel industry establishment), generalization and systematization (to identify the available scientific approaches, identify trends in the hotel industry establishment services assortment management under study), comparison (when assessing the competitiveness of the assortment policy of the investigated hotel industry establishments), ABC analysis (to assess the range of services of the investigated hotel industry establishment), survey (to find out the portrait of consumers of hotel services and their satisfaction with the assortment policy of the investigated hotel industry establishment), abstract-logical method (to formulate conclusions), graphic and tabular methods (to visualize research results). Results. Improving the assortment policy of a hotel industry establishment is an important aspect in the modern hotel industry, especially in conditions of constant changes and growing competition. The content analysis of the scientific literature showed the absence of a single approach to the analysis of the assortment policy of the hotel industry. It has been established that different methods can be used to evaluate the assortment policy of the hotel industry establishment, which focus on different aspects of the analysis and answer various questions regarding the optimization of the assortment. For the analysis of the assortment policy of the hotel industry establishment, an author's methodology is proposed, which allows to comprehensively investigate various aspects of the assortment policy of the hotel industry establishment, which makes it possible to identify existing problems, develop and make more reasonable management decisions regarding the formation of the optimal assortment of services of the hotel industry establishment. Approbation of this technique is implemented on the basis of the hotel complex «Health Resort & Medical SPA Panorama Morska». Based on the results of the conducted research on the effectiveness of the assortment policy of the hotel the problems are systematize and options for their solution are proposed.

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