
Results of a four year investigation of 20 alloplasmic wheat lines, developed on the basis of five species - T. aestivum L., T. turgidum L., T. durum Desf., T. dicoccum Schrank. and T. aethiopicum Jakubz. are analysed for parameters characterizing plant ability for induction of morphogenetic processes in anther culture. The positive effect of the interspecific cytoplasm substitution on the expression of the investigated parameters (number of responding anthers, number of embryoids per 100 anthers, and number of green and albino regenerants) was observed. Combining alien genome and plasmon was shown to modify strongly their expression. Individual alloplasmic lines were revealed surpassing parental and corresponding “reciprocal” lines in the ability for embryogenesis induction in anther culture. Bifactorial dispersion analysis has shown a reliable involvement of the cytoplasm and nuclear-cytoplasm interaction in determination of parameters “total number of embryoids” and “number of green regenerants”.

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