
Since the implementation of the policy of accelerating infrastructure projects, the construction industry has also increased in Indonesia. The construction industry is a dangerous industry that often takes casualties. In recent years there have been many construction accidents in the construction of rental apartments, which have caused moral and material losses, projects that were stopped and projects that were delayed. Lack of separate budgets that are specifically prepared in implementing the Occupational Safety and Health System is one of the causes of the poor implementation of SMK3 in construction projects and create high rates of accidents in the workplace. In Indonesia, although there are several regulations governing the implementation of SMK3, there are no specific regulations that regulate how to prepare a reasonable budget for the implementation of SMK3. The aims of the study are determining the work breakdown structure in mechanical work in rental apartments identifying risks, developing risk control, identifying components of cost of safety and calculating of safety cost. This research is a survey research with respondents of experts and actors in the field of construction safety, descriptive analysis is used to determine variables. A case study approach is also used to calculate the cost of safety. This research is expected to be able to produce a cost of safety calculation in rental apartments projects so that it can maximize the application of SMK3, in order to reduce accidents in workplace and achieving good safety performance.

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