
Abstract: There are lots of moving parts in the Universe, as nothing exists in isolation. There are trillions of large masses in our Solar System, all orbiting around the galactic centre on timescales of hundreds of millions of years. In this paper, I present the idea of the Existence of the force of attraction by the Sun due to its constituents. Same as that, the debris of the sun due to the big bang may also possess some characteristics of the sun since all these objects possess similar origins. This means “Every object possesses a force of attraction that has the tendency to attract every other object of the universe but this tendency is limited to a certain extent based upon the constituent, size and distance between the object”. This force of attraction is exhibited in multiple axis by every object. It altogether results in the formation of a closed-circuit form of connection between every object present inside this cluster of objects in space. The same principle applies to the galactic centre of the universe also. This force of attraction is responsible for the stability, Self revolution and orbital revolution of planets around the sun.

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