
Acetone precipitation was evaluated as a rapid, simple, low-cost, and efficient method for the selective purification of O-glycopeptides from enzymatic digests of glycoproteins. Ovalbumin (OVA), human and bovine α1-acid glycoprotein (hAGP and bAGP), human apolipoprotein C-III (APO-C3), and recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) were used to obtain enzymatic digests with a broad and varied set of peptides, N-glycopeptides, and O-glycopeptides. After digestion and before capillary electrophoresis mass spectrometry (CE-MS) analysis, the amount of ice-cold acetone added to the digests was optimized to maximize recoveries of O-glycopeptides. Furthermore, the different behavior of peptides,N- and O-glycopeptides was explained by studying with multivariate data analysis methods the influence of several physicochemical parameters and properties related to their composition and structure. Principal component analysis (PCA) and, afterward, partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) were used to identify the most significant variables and their importance to differentiate between peptides, N-glycopeptides and O-glycopeptides, or within these classes. This information was useful to understand precipitation of these compounds after addition of acetone and for the selection of the optimal conditions for purification of specific O-glycopeptide biomarkers. Special attention was paid to O126-glycopeptide glycoforms of rhEPO because of their applicability in biopharmaceutical quality control and doping analysis.

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