
Research and development in the field of child occupant crash protection relies heavily on the biofidelity of anthropomorphic test devices (ATDs) used in testing and the ability to relate measured parameters on the ATD to injury. However, there is very little live subject or cadaver testing with children to validate the biofidelity of the current state-of-the-art child ATDs. In an effort to bridge the gap, a study was conducted to determine whether the Hybrid-III 3-year-old ATD could reasonably re-create the dynamic response of a child in a real-world crash and whether the ATD could reliably predict injuries. In other words, does the data from testing with the ATD give results consistent with real-world experience? This paper contains an analysis of the neck load and moment data collected during this testing using Nij as an analysis tool to predict neck injury. This expands on prior analysis presented by the authors in 1999, which included a discussion of the initial results of a test program and analysis of individual force and moment data. At that time, Nij values could not be calculated and related to injury due to disagreement in the community as to the specific method for evaluating Nij as well as how the value would relate to injury.

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