
In order to clarify the influence of inclusive leadership style on team performance and the mediating effect of suggestion behavior, based on a summary of related research, an inclusive leader has a significant positive impact on team performance, and the suggestion behavior has inclusive leadership Theoretical assumptions such as playing an intermediary role in the impact of team performance, designing a questionnaire using a widely recognized maturity scale, and using questionnaire stars to survey 300 grassroots employees, The results show that the three dimensions of openness, availability, and accessibility of inclusive leadership have a significant positive impact on team performance; the behavior of initiation plays an intermediary role in the three dimensions of inclusive leadership and team performance. Use spss23.0 analysis software related analysis (Pearson) and hypothesis testing, the independent variable and dependent variable, the mediation variables into formula for correlation analysis, and learned that the correlation coefficient between 0.503** and 0.685**, no more than 0.700, shows that the correlation degree between the three independent variables as moderate correlation, and there is no collinearity problem, and presents the 0.01 level of significance, which shows a significant positive correlation between the three variables. Further hypothesis test, the dependent variable respectively into the argument inclusive leadership team performance of usability, accessibility, openness, the regression equation model, that decision coefficient (R squared value of 0.241**, 0.243**, 0.268**, and presents the 0.01 level of significance, and inclusive leadership openness, availability, accessibility, positive influence on team performance. Finally the mediation role of inspection, the team performance as the dependent variable, inclusive leadership openness, availability, accessibility, as the independent variable, will advice behavior as a intervening variable, into the linear regression model, that decision coefficient (R squared value of 0.408**, 0.419**, 0.402**, and presents the 0.01 level of significance, on the basis of Baron and Kenny (1986) proposed by the intermediary effect, advice behavior in inclusive leadership openness, availability, accessibility, and the impact of team performance has partial intermediary role. Based on this result, make management suggestions for the organization or team: you can introduce inclusive leaders, or train existing managers with the characteristics of capacitive leadership styles to meet the needs of modern management.

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