
Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) polymorphism was used to determine genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship in 4 species of Aristolochia viz A. indica Linn. , A. saccata Wall. , A. tagala Cham. and A. cathcartii Hook.f & T. A panel of 8 ISSR primers was screened representing di-nucleotide repeats, of which 57 polymorphic and informative patterns were selected to determine the genetic diversity. The consensus tree constructed using binary data from banding patterns generated by ISSR-PCR depicting that A. indica and A. cathcartii are more similar in terms of their genetic level and included in the same cluster. However, the rest of the two species viz., A. saccata and A. tagala are included into two different clusters which indicate their level of polymorphisms in the genetic level. This study may be useful in identifying diverse genetic stocks of Aristolochia , which may then be conserved on a priority basis. The ISSR markers are thus useful in the fingerprinting of wild species germplasm, and in understanding the evolutionary relationships of Aristolochia.

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