
A new set of mean wall pressure data has been collected on a controlled diffusion airfoil at a chord Reynolds number of 1.2 £ £105 in a freejet anechoic wind tunnel. Comparisons of the experimental data with Reynoldsaveraged Navier‐ Stokes (RANS) simulationsin freeairshow signie cant e owe eld and pressure loading differences, indicatingsubstantialjetinterferenceeffects.Toanalyzetheseeffects,asystematicRANS-basedcomputationale uid dynamicsstudyoftheexperimentale owconditionshasbeencarriedout,whichquantie esthestrongine uenceofthe e nite jet (nozzle) width on the aerodynamic loading and e ow characteristics. When the jet width is not sufe ciently large compared to the frontal wetted area of the airfoil, the airfoil pressure distribution is found to be closer to the distribution on a cascade than that of an isolated proe le. The airfoil lift is signie cantly reduced. Accounting for the actual wind-tunnel setup recovers the wall pressure distribution on the airfoil without further empirical angle-of-attack corrections. These jet interference effects could be responsible for the discrepancies among some earlier experimental and computational studies of airfoil self-noise. They should be accounted for in future noise computations to ensure that the experimental e ow conditions are simulated accurately.

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