
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to form an anthropocentric ergatic system of labor safety of coal miners and to determine its main factors, factors, components and characteristics to increase the effectiveness of measures to protect their labor, especially in the deep mines of Donbas. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods of cognition – empirical (observation of real production processes, factors and factors in coal mines, description of miners ‘actions in accordance with labor protection measures, etc.) and theoretical (analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification of information on miners’ safety), as well as systematic, functional and parametric analysis of production and social processes related to the safety of miners in coal mines. The results of the study are presented in the definition and characterization of the main internal and external factors and factors as the main components in the structure of anthropocentric ergatic system of safety of miners in coal mines, which substantiates technical and organizational measures to improve the safety of miners in modern conditions. Donbas. The scientific novelty of the obtained results consists in determining the patterns and functional relationships of internal and external factors and factors of the anthropocentric ergatic system of occupational safety of coal miners and substantiation of parametric relationships to improve the efficiency of miners and further prospects for automation of production processes. The practical significance of the results of the study lies in the possibility of any coal mine to use the general structure of the anthropocentric ergatic system of labor safety of coal miners in the formation of technical, technological and organizational measures to improve the safety of miners in modern socio-economic conditions of Ukraine.

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