
A skeleton photoperiod consists of two short pulses which are applied on the circadian oscillator at times corresponding to the beginning and to the end of a continuous light stimulus. To study several problems in entrainment of circadian rhythms by skeleton photoperiods, we develop a simple diagrammatic solution of the steady state entrainment making use of phase transition curves which are directly gotten from phase response curves. The graphical method is simple and systematic to study entrainment by light cycles with various day lengths. As the method is also intuitive, we can easily examine three problems. (1) In Drosophila the phase relation (psi) between rhythm and light cycle is a continuous function of day length of skeleton photoperiods up to about 12 h, but a marked discontinuity (psi-jump) sets in between 13 and 14 h. By the diagrammatic method we find that psi-jump is mathematically a bifurcation phenomenon. (2) The action of photoperiods up to about 12 h is fully simulated by two 15-min skeleton pulses. Do 3-min skeleton pulses imitate the complete photoperiods? We find that pulse width is arbitrary to some extent. (3) Why skeleton photoperiods up to about 12 h are good models of complete photoperiods? The reason is the small amplitude and the nearly symmetrical form of phase response curves in the subjective day.

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