
Electric energy is one of the types of energy that is most present in the activities that human beings carry out daily, hence the importance of making efficient consumption of this resource, especially that which is done in homes, since energy savings represent a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. Given that the construction sector can represent up to 39% of the carbon dioxide emissions emitted into the atmosphere, this research analyzes the impact generated by the construction and use of a single-family home, with the use of DesignBuilder software. Initially, a model was made under traditional conditions, thus determining where the greatest heat gains were concentrated, followed by a second model under adjusted conditions. A life cycle analysis was made under conditions adjusted to a period of 100 years and the submission of the two conditions to the choosing by advantages method. The results showed that the changes can reduce annual energy consumption by up to 66% and recover the investment in 10 years. Finally, the analysis of the life cycle determined that for a period of 100 years the emissions are 18679.67 equivalent tonnes of carbon dioxide.

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