
Mangrove plants have the ability to accumulate heavy metals and help reduce the level of concentration of contaminants in the water. Sediments and Avicennia marina leaves potentially become indicators of heavy metal content of cadmium in an area. The content of heavy metal cadmium in Mangrove Ecotourism Wonorejo, Surabaya is not known for certain. Based on the environmental quality standard guidelines according to Decree of Minister of Environment Number: KEP-MEN LH No.51/MENKLH/2004, cadmium threshold for biota is 0.001 ppm. Cadmium threshold in sediment refers to the Canadian Council of Ministers for the Environment (CCME) at 0.7 ppm. The purpose of this research is to learn the cadmium heavy metal content on soil sediments and mangrove leaves of Avicennia marina in Jagir and Aftur rivers in Mangrove Ecotourism Wonorejo Area. The research method used was descriptive method with field survey and sampling then testing by Atomic Absorption Spektrophotometry (AAS). The supporting parameters observed in this study are pH, temperature, and salinity. The results of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) show that in Jagir River Mangrove Ecotourism Surabaya Area, the highest content of cadmium (Cd) heavy metal in sediment and Avicennia marina leaves is 1.025 ppm and 0.602 ppm respectively. The content of cadmium (Cd) heavy metal is highest in the sediments and Avicennia marina leaves in the Aftur River Mangrove Ecotourism Wonorejo Surabaya area at 1.003 ppm and 0.622 ppm respectively. Coefficient of sediment correlation and Avicennia marina leaves in Jagir river equals to 0.932 and in Aftur river is at 0.929. The shape of the sediment correlation and Avicennia marina leaves is positive with a very strong correlation relationship.

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