
Background: Concerning increased competition among higher education institutions, there is a need for a proper lever such as brand personality. On the other hand, to maintain the sustainable advantageous competition, it is recommended to consider and use information and communication technology in the brand. Objectives: The present study aimed to provide a brand personality model in higher education with emphasis on technology in 2017 - 2018. Methods: Brand personality themes in higher education in the first (qualitative) phase of this study were identified using a thematic analysis. The statistical population was all articles and books listed on international databases in the field of “manager’s competencies in the future”, which were published between 1997 and 2017. In total, 69 articles and books were chosen. In the second (quantitative) phase of the study, 32 comprehensive universities with 10,840 faculty members were used as the statistical population. Then, using Kerjesian and Morgan tables, 373 faculty members were chosen using non-random convenience sampling as the sample. For analysis of the data, a confirmatory factor analysis method and Smart PLS software were used. Results: In this study, 10 organizing themes and 30 basic themes were identified. A 123-item researcher-made questionnaire was developed based on the identified themes. The reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed using Cornbrash’s alpha of higher than 0.80. The high reliability showed high internal correlations between basic themes. Also, based on the results of factor analysis for validating the model, the theme of information technology user with a factor of 0.72 had a high explanatory effect. According to all calculated high factor loads, the research model showed high reliability. Conclusions: The achieved results can be used as a model of brand personality to create a unique market. Moreover, they can increase market share, especially in the field of information technology, in today’s competitive business in research and academic centers.

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