
Human capital is the primary source of development of the state organization. The assessment quality of human capital can contribute to improving the understanding of factors determining economic growth, assessing the longterm sustainability of a country’s development model, as well as measuring productivity and production productivity. The N.A. Nazarbayev and President K. K. Tokayev, in their messages, the strategic development plan of state stressed the importance of human capital development and designated it as the main force of the country’s development. The article discusses the methods of determining and evaluating human capital quality and comparative analysis based on their advantages and disadvantages. Scientific novelty – development of a methodology for determining the quality of human capital, including the definition of a flexible methodology that takes into account the economic and social characteristics of the country, based on a comparative analysis of traditional and innovative methods of human capital quality management models, their indicators. Made its own analysis of the formation and evaluation of human capital. Analysis of the problems of methods for assessing human capital, objectivity, and sufficiency of data for constructing an assessment. As a result, the advantages and disadvantages of the methods used to determine the quality of human capital were identified, and the possibility of application in practice was assessed. The evaluation used the methods of scientific abstraction, induction, deduction, analysis, and synthesis methods. The results can be presented as a practical tool for enterprises conducting the human capital assessment as a methodological means of teaching at university.

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