
Genetic and molecular analyses of an unstable region encompassing the gene loci cml arg and a 5.7 kb amplifiable unit of DNA were done. Spontaneous mutants from Cm1R →CmlS and the revertants from CmlS →CmlR were analysed for mutations at arg locus and amplification of amplifiable unit of DNA. Twenty-one revertants were analysed. Two of these had large-scale amplification and one of these was also Arg-. Nine of the revertants which were Arg+ had low-level or intermediate-level amplification of the 5.7 kb DNA sequence but no deletions of the flanking sequences were detected. Five of the CmIR’ revertants, which were also Arg+, had lost one of the two copies from the doublet of amplifiable unit of DNA. The remaining five revertants did not show any other change. The amplifiable unit of DNA, therefore, not only undergoes amplification but can also suffer specific deletion of one copy. Thus, this region as a whole is characterized by instability and the events appear to take place at more than one locus concomitantly with a high frequency.

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