
The aim of this study is to examine abilities and skills that a translator needs to develop in the light of general translation theories and models. Translation contains different mental activities such as language, thinking, problem solving, memory, conceptualization, learning, information processing, perception, understanding, re-expression etc., which makes translation a complex phenomenon. Translator is not a passive element but an expert, who senses, processes the stimuli, signifies, and produces meanings again in another language. In order to make these entire operations a translator should equip herself/ himself with translation skills and abilities. Considering within this context, the topic of skills and abilities translators need to acquire was discussed in the light of the translation competence models created by the PACTE group and Gopferich and general translation theories. It was found out that there are so many different skills (e.g. the National Job Qualifications Authority defined 42 skills for translators) to be acquired which differ in text types, medium, code and field and also new developments in the technology bring with it new required skills to be acquired. Thus the departments of Translation Studies should take these new skills into consideration in the translator training and accordingly plan their academic programs as the world is always changing and so is the translation environment.

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