
Dimensions of national cultures represent universal categories that characterize a particular community. These dimensions point to the differences among the national cultures, while identified differences might further affect the perception and behavior of its members, which could determine the tourist needs. Accordingly, the tourist offer should be adjusted to the members of the particular culture. This research is focused on the analysis of the characteristics of the Switzerland culture, based on the model established by Hofstede, which is pointing to the six dimensions, stated as the power distance, collectivism versus individualism, masculinity versus femininity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term versus short-term orientation and indulgence, with the aim of providing the database necessary for the stakeholders within the tourist offer. Methods used during the data collecting, processing and analyzing are historical, descriptive, comparative, statistical method and synthesis. A survey research was conducted throughout the 2017, on the basis of the perception of Switzerland culture by the members of different nations living and working in Switzerland. Besides contributions to the theory of the cultural differences and their effects on tourism, research results might have practical implication in organizations, within the local population and all other stakeholders who are focused on planning the tourist offer.

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