
Challenges in this modern era focus more on activities that prepare students to face industrial changes. Pancasila remains relevant as long as the Indonesian nation exists. It is important to explore and understand these values ​​so that you can determine whether it is just jargon or just a campaign. The aim of implementing P5PPRA, especially in madrasah ibtidaiyah, is to develop their character values, so that positive behavior can be formed and stick to the students. In this research, the library research method was used by analyzing various kinds of books, articles, to find theory and accurate data. The existence of the PPRA Curriculum is an effort to renew the existing curriculum, where this curriculum has more humanistic material content in strengthening tolerance and moderation. The results of various literature can be concluded, namely: (1) the learning policy at each madrasah has its own model, (2) the learning is in accordance with the objectives of the independent curriculum where the institution facilitates it according to the needs of students, (3) one of the obstacles in learning is There is still a lack of creativity among educators in implementing their learning models.

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