
Technological changes impacts changes in behavior and work systems carried out by the organization. The company's investment in new technology should be able to increase revenue, but PT XYZ's revenue growth tends to be stagnant. Therefore, the central management designs an assessment measure that could be used to evaluate a unit's performance. This study aimed to analyze the differences in the international roaming unit's performance due to technological changes using the learning & development, customers, internal business processes, and financial approach. Also, it aimed to initiate recommendations to improve the performance of international roaming units due to technological changes. The data used were secondary data from internal companies, while the methods used were descriptive, Balanced Scorecard (BSC), and paired test. The result obtained was that security criteria had a real difference in the impact of technology adoption on the learning & development indicator. There were significant differences in the business process indicator due to technological change. There was no significant difference in the impact of technology adoption in terms of the customer and financial indicators. The international roaming unit needs to optimize technology adoption further. Keywords: balanced scorecard, organinternational roaming, technology adoption, performance, paired test


  • Technological changes impacts changes in behavior and work systems carried out by the organization

  • It aimed to initiate recommendations to improve the performance of international roaming units due to technological changes

  • The result obtained was that security criteria had a real difference in the impact of technology adoption on the learning & development indicator

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Gambaran Umum PT XYZ

PT XYZ adalah salah satu perusahaan penyedia jasa telekomunikasi dan jaringan telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Kondisi ini menuntut operator untuk dapat menerapkan kerjasama unit international roaming sesuai dengan level service yang ada dan harus dapat bekerja sama dengan operator yang memiliki frekuensi dan teknologi yang berbeda. Kebijakan manajemen pada suatu unit operator seluler untuk menangani, mengelola dan mengembangkan bisnis global unit internasional roaming. Aktivitas unit internasional roaming bertujuan agar setiap operator tetap dan semakin bertahan (survive) dalam menghadapi tantangan, ancaman dan sekaligus dapat mengambil peluang yang ada saat pertumbuhan jumlah pelanggan seluler di Indonesia menurun. Penanganan bisnis ini melibatkan hampir dari semua unit, mulai dari frontliner hingga teknisi atau operator dan juga melibatkan level management setingkat direksi hingga dengan customer service. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu strategi dan kebijakan yang tepat untuk menangani bisnis international roaming ini

Identifikasi Internal dan Eksternal
Indikator Kinerja pada Unit Internasional Roaming
Sebelum Sesudah
Implikasi Manajerial
Price Fairness
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