
The garment industry has a large contribution to Indonesia's exports. Currently, this industry is facing various challenges, including changes in market demand that are getting faster along with the acceleration of the development of world fashion which does not only rely on the seasons but fashion trends, causing orders for apparel to change rapidly causing the high demand for raw materials from each industrial component to become unstable. stable. The obstacle that is often encountered in the implementation of supply chain management is the lack of coordination, causing distortion of information which results in a bullwhip effect. This research uses the literature study method for data collection and the waterfall method for system design. The final result of this research is a stock information system that is expected to reduce distortion of information and clarify coordination between components in a garment industry so as to reduce the bullwhip effect and stabilize demand for raw materials from each industrial component.


  • Dalam suatu perusahaan proses pengadaan bahan baku dari supplier merupakan ujung tombak dari sebuah keberhasila perusahaan tersebut

  • The garment industry has a large contribution to Indonesia's exports

  • causing orders for apparel to change rapidly causing the high demand for raw materials from each industrial component to become unstable. stable. The obstacle

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Supply Chain Management

Menurut Indrajit dan Djokopranoto [1] supply chain adalah:“suatu tempat organisasi menyalurkan barang produksi dan jasanya kepada para pelanggannya”. Lee dan Whang [2] mendefinisikan supply chain management adalah: “Suatu sistem jaringan yang terdiri atas beberapa perusahaan yang memiliki tujuan sama sebagai tempat organisasi menjalankan barang dan jasa kepada pelanggan”. Komponen Supply Chain Management menurut Turban [3] terdiri dari tiga komponen utama yaitu : (1) Rantai Suplai Hulu/Upstream Supply Chain Segment, meliputi aktivitas perusahaan manu-facturing dengan para supplier dan koneksinya (para penyalur secondtier). (2) Manajemen Internal Suplai Rantai/Internal Supply Chain Segment, meliputi semua proses inhouse yang digunakan dalam mentransformasikan input dari supplier ke dalam keluaran organisasi itu.; (3) Segmen Rantai Suplai Hilir/Downstream Supply Chain Segment meliputi aktivitas yang melibatkan pengiriman produk kepada pelanggan akhir Komponen Supply Chain Management menurut Turban [3] terdiri dari tiga komponen utama yaitu : (1) Rantai Suplai Hulu/Upstream Supply Chain Segment, meliputi aktivitas perusahaan manu-facturing dengan para supplier dan koneksinya (para penyalur secondtier). (2) Manajemen Internal Suplai Rantai/Internal Supply Chain Segment, meliputi semua proses inhouse yang digunakan dalam mentransformasikan input dari supplier ke dalam keluaran organisasi itu.; (3) Segmen Rantai Suplai Hilir/Downstream Supply Chain Segment meliputi aktivitas yang melibatkan pengiriman produk kepada pelanggan akhir

Sistem Informasi
Bullwhip Effect
Industri Garmen
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