
This research aims to analyze the difference in the level of revenues savor independent patterns and patterns of partnership at different scales, analyze business patterns and scale venture capable of producing the most income levels are high, analyze the relationship between the pattern and scale of effort against the income level, as well as to analyze the influence of factors of production costs against revenue level savor in Lumajang. Research conducted from 1 July until 31 September 2017 using data at one time production period. Sampling determined deliberately by grouping the respondents based on a combination of the pattern of independent business and partnerships, as well as household business scale, small, and medium. The population that used as many as 60 breeders consisting of 10 samples in each group of a combination of patterns and business scale. Data analysis is an analysis of income and multiple linear regression analysis. Bound variables in this study are the level of revenues savor (Y), with free variables that comprise the cost of day-old chick (X1), feed (X2), vaccines, medications, vitamins, and disinfectants (X3), laborer (X4), preparation cost of enclosure and fuel (X5), electricity (X6), depreciation cost of enclosure and equipment (X7), and the pattern of effort selected breeders (D) to run his business. The results of the analysis showed that the level of income breeders partnership is higher than a standalone pattern breeder (3.169 rupiahs > 2.801 rupiahs), whereas small-scale dairy farmers income levels greater than large-scale ranchers and scale house appliances (3.926 rupiahs > 2.564 rupiahs > 2.466 rupiahs). Combinations of patterns of partnership with small-scale yielding the highest income levels compared to the pattern and scale of other businesses. Multiple linear regression analysis results on F test shows that that simultaneously throughout the free variables (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, and D) effect significantly to the variable (Y). Results on t-test showed that partially variables X1, X2, X3, X4, X7 and influential significantly to variable Y, whereas the variable X5, X6, and D do not affect significantly to the variable Y.Keywords : Income level, Business pattern, and Business scale.


  • Usaha peternakan ayam broiler di Kabupaten Lumajang cukup bervariasi, dan sebagian besar merupakan peternakan rakyat.Peternakan rakyat adalah peternakan yang tidak diwajibkan memiliki ijin usaha, dengan jumlah populasi ternak tidak lebih dari 15.000 ekor ayam broiler untuk setiap periode produksi (Kementan, 2002).Pola yang digunakan untuk menyelenggarakan usaha peternakan ayam broiler dibedakan menjadi dua, yaitupola mandiri dan pola kemitraan

  • This research aims to analyze the difference in the level of revenues savor independent patterns and patterns of partnership at different scales, analyze business patterns and scale venture capable of producing the most income levels are high, analyze the relationship between the pattern and scale of effort against the income level, as well as to analyze the influence of factors of production costs against revenue level savor in Lumajang.Research conducted from 1 July until 31 September 2017 using data at one time production period.Sampling determined deliberately by grouping the respondents based on a combination of the pattern of independent business and partnerships, as well as household business scale, small, and medium.The population that used as many as 60 breeders consisting of 10 samples in each group of a combination of patterns and business scale.Data analysis is an analysis of income and multiple linear regression analysis.Bound variables in this study are the level of revenues savor (Y), with free variables that comprise the cost of day-old chick (X1), feed (X2), vaccines, medications, vitamins, and disinfectants(X3), laborer (X4), preparation cost of enclosure and fuel (X5),electricity(X6), depreciation cost of enclosure and equipment (X7),and the pattern of effort selected breeders (D) to run his business.The results of the analysis showed that the level of income breeders partnership is higher than a standalone pattern breeder (3.169 rupiahs >2.801 rupiahs), whereas small-scale dairy farmers income levels greater than large-scale ranchers and scale house appliances (3.926 rupiahs>2.564 rupiahs >2.466 rupiahs).Combinations of patterns of partnership with small-scale yielding the highest income levels compared to the pattern and scale of other businesses.Multiple linear regression analysis results on F testshows that that simultaneously throughout the free variables (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6, X7, and D) effect significantly to the variable (Y).Results on t-test showed that partially variables X1, X2, X3, X4, X7and influential significantly to variable Y, whereas the variable X5, X6, and D do not affect significantly to the variable Y

  • Efektifitas Pola Kemitraan Inti-Plasma dan Produktivitas Usaha Ternak Ayam Broiler Peternak Plasma dan Mandiri serta

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Lokasi dan Waktu

Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisis pendapatan usaha peternakan ayam broiler pada pola dan skala usaha yang berbeda di Kabupaten Lumajang.Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan data pada satu kali periode produksi, dan mulai dilaksanakan pada Tanggal 1 Juli sampai dengan 31 September 2017. Pengambilan sampel ditentukan secara sengaja (purposive sampling).Lokasi pengambilan sampel adalah kecamatan-kecamatan di Kabupaten Lumajang yang memiliki populasi ternak tertinggi dan dapat mewakili bagian utara, selatan, barat, dan timur.Responden yang dipilih adalah peternak yang memiliki jumlah ayam broiler antara 1.000 sampai 15.000 ekor dalam satu kali periode produksi, dan memiliki pengalaman beternak minimal selama dua tahun. Metode pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan mengelompokkan responden berdasarkan pola usaha yang dijalankan, yaitu peternak pola mandiri dan peternak pola kemitraan, serta skala usaha yang ditentukan dengan jumlah kepemilikan ternak, yaitu peternak skala rumah tangga, peternak skala kecil, dan peternak skala sedang.Kelompok skala usaha peternak dapat dilihat pada Tabel 1.Populasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah 60 peternak yang terdiri dari 10 sampel pada setiap kelompok pola dan skala usaha.Keterangan populasidansampel dapat dilihat pada Tabel 2.

Variabel dan Definisi Operasional Variabel
Collinearity Statistics
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