
Water balance is an estimate of the availability and needs of water in a watershed area. The water balance is very important considering the human need for water resources is a major requirement. The purpose of this study includes; (1) Analyzing the distribution of the influence of rainfall observation stations in each of the Ciliman sub-watersheds, (2) Analyzing the mainstay discharge in each Ciliman sub-watershed, and (3) Analyzing the potential availability of raw water in the Ciliman watershed. The types of data used in this study are secondary data including: (1) monthly rainfall data from 4 rainfall observation stations included in the Ciliman watershed, (2) climatological data from BMKG Taktakan Serang Station in 1998-2015, (3) Map of Watershed Ciliman and (4) Population data. Data analysis methods used include; regional rainfall analysis, analysis of water availability (evapotranspiration analysis, Mock model analysis), and analysis of water requirements. The results of the analysis showed that the highest rainfall occurred in January, and the lowest rainfall occurred in August. Overall, the water available in the Ciliman watershed is sufficient with the peak occurring at the beginning and end of the year. Water availability is estimated based on surface water discharge, where peak discharge occurs in January and minimum discharge occurs in August. The water balance in general in the Ciliman watershed is quite high with the highest water debit of 61.75 m3/s occurring in March and the lowest (minimum) discharge around 5.26 m3/s in August. The total water requirement for the Ciliman watershed area is 38.86 m3/s, consisti of; Water demand for irrigation is the highest water requirement reaching 37.96 m3 s with a total irrigated area reaching 5,423 hectares. Domestic water needs are 0.48 m3/s with a total population of 314,524 people served. Water requirements for industry are 0.000040 m3/s or relatively relatively small. While the water demand for the Tanjung Lesung Special Economic Zone is 0.42442 m3/s.


  • several planned such as Panimbang Airport

  • around the Ciliman watershed stretches into the Ciliman Irrigation Area covering an area of 5,423 hectares

  • These conditions cause the Ciliman watershed to be very important in supporting food security

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Analisis Neraca Air Permukaan DAS Ciliman

Kondisi tersebut menyebabkan DAS Ciliman sangat penting dalam menunjang ketahanan pangan, ketahanan air, dan ketahanan ekonomi di Propinsi Banten sehingga perlu dilakukan analisis neraca air pada DAS Ciliman. Neraca air merupakan estimasi ketersediaan dan kebutuhan air pada suatu wilayah DAS. Meliputi; (1) Menganalisis sebaran pengaruh stasiun pengamatan curah hujan pada masing-masing Sub DAS Ciliman, (2) Menganalisis debit andalan pada masing-masing Sub DAS Ciliman, dan (3) Menganalisis potensi ketersediaan air baku pada DAS Ciliman. Metode analisis data yang digunakan meliputi; analisis curah hujan wilayah, analisis ketersediaan air (analisis evapotranspirasi, analisis model Mock), dan analisis kebutuhan air. Hasil analisa ketersediaan air di Bendung Ciliman sebesar 103,94 m3/detik, sedangkan kebutuhan airnya sebesar 103,11 m3/detik. Berdasarkan analisa perhitungan neraca air seluruh DAS Ciliman terdapat surplus sebesar 99 m3/detik. Kata kunci: Neraca air, ketersediaan air, kebutuhan air, curah hujan, DAS Ciliman

Neraca Air Permukaan DAS Ciliman
Aliran Antara
Ags Sep Okt Nov
Kawasan Tanjung Lesung
Jul Aug
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