
Water is needed by living things especially as drinking water, but water also causes various health problems such as diarrhea. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of dug well water in terms of chemical parameters (Cl and Fe) in Mangempang Village, Barru District, Barru Regency.
 This type of research is survey research with a descriptive approach. The sample in this study was 12 dug well water in Mangempang Sub-District, Barru Sub-District, Barru District, and then conducted a laboratory examination.
 The results showed that the quality of Cl chemical wells dug Cl in Mangempang Village Barru District Barru Regency of the 12 dug wells studied turned out to be 4 dug wells not meeting health requirements that are ≤ 600 mg / l. while the quality of the dug wells chemical parameters Fe in Mangempang Village Barru District Barru Regency of the 12 dug wells studied turned out to be 2 dug wells not meeting health requirements that are ≤ 1.0 mg / l.
 Conclusions obtained in this study that the quality of dug well water based on chemical parameters Cl, 4 of the 12 dug wells examined did not meet health requirements and the dug well water quality based on chemical parameters Fe, 2 of the 12 dug wells examined did not meet health requirements. It is recommended for local health workers to be able to go down to inspect community dug wells.


  • PENDAHULUAN Air adalah materi esensial di dalam kehidupan

  • The results showed that the quality of cara menurunkan kadar Klorida (Cl) chemical wells dug Cl in Mangempang Village Barru District Barru Regency of the 12 dug wells studied turned out to be 4 dug wells not meeting health requirements that are ≤ 600 mg / l. while the quality of the dug wells chemical parameters Fe in Mangempang Village Barru District Barru Regency of the 12 dug wells studied turned out to be 2 dug wells not meeting health requirements that are ≤ 1.0 mg / l

  • Standar 1,0 mg/l 1,0 mg/l 1,0 mg/l 1,0 mg/l 1,0 mg/l 1,0 mg/l 1,0 mg/l 1,0 mg/l 1,0 mg/l 1,0 mg/l 1,0 mg/l 1,0 mg/l

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Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan oleh

Endar Budi Sasongko, Endang Widyastuti dan Rawuh Edy Priyono (2014) kandungan klorida di Sungai Kaliyasa sangat tinggi yaitu 17.088,55 mg/l, tidak memenuhi baku mutu air bersih (600 mg/l). Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa dari 12 sumur gali terdapat 2 sumur yang memiliki kadar besi (Fe) dalam air tidak memenuhi syarat sesuai berdasarkan Permenkes RI No.416/MENKES/PER/IX/1990 tentang Persyaratan Kualitas Air Bersih yaitu ≤ 1,0 mg/l. Hasil penelitian Nia Yuliani, Nurlela, Novia anggraeni Lestari (2017) tentang Kualitas Air Sumur Bor di Perumahan Bekas Persawahan Gunung Putri Jawa Barat menunjukkan bahwa beberapa sampel air sumur bor memiliki kandungan besi yang berada di atas ambang batas maksimum yang diperbolehkan (lebih dari 1 mg/L berdasarkan baku mutu air bersih) yaitu untuk S4 yaitu [1,74] mg/L, S12 yaitu 1,998 mg/L, dan S19 yaitu 1,178 mg/L. Sebagai contoh suatu sumber air yang mengandung logam berat atau mengandung bakteri penyakit masih dapat digunakan untuk kebutuhan industri atau sebagai pembangkit tenaga listrik, akan tetapi tidak dapat digunakan untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga (keperluan air minum, memasak, mandi dan mencuci)

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Hasil Pemeriksaan
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