
Batam City is an industrial city and has a total area of 1,570.35 km2 with a land area of 715 km2. Following the economic development and increasing population, the green open space in Batam City is decreasing. The purpose of this research was to analyze the adequacy of Batam’s green open space based on the criteria of Law No. 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning and Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 5 of 2008 concerning Guidelines and Utilization of Green Open Space. This research was conducted with a spatial analysis method based on land cover information from the interpretation of Landsat 8 OLI image recording on 05-06-2018. Based on the results showed that Batam’s green open space is still 221.400 ha or 32.05% from land area. It means, Batam City’s open space is still sufficient at least 30% according to Law No. 26 of 2007 and Minister of Public Works Regulation No. 5 of 2008. The largest type of land cover in green open space is secondary dry land forest, covering 79.200 ha (11.45%). Keyword : Batam City, analysis, green open space.


  • Kota Batam merupakan kota industri yang memiliki luas wilayah 1.570.35 km2 dengan luas daratan 715 km2

  • The results showed that Batam’s green open space is still 221.400 ha or 32.05% of the land area

  • Journal Advances in Remote Sensing 5: 232-245

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Lahan Terbuka

Seluruh kenampakan lahan tanpa bervegetasi dan lahan terbuka bekas terbakar. N industri yang memperlihatkan pola alur rapat. 8. Badan Air Semua tampak perairan termasuk sungai, danau dan waduk. 2. Karakteristik Tutupan Lahan secara Visual Berdasarkan hasil klasifikasi tutupan lahan secara visual dengan menggunakan citra. Landsat 8 OLI tahun 2018 diperoleh 8 jenis kelas tutupan lahan, terdiri dari: hutan lahan kering sekunder, hutan mangrove, kebun campuran, perkebunan, semak belukar, lahan terbuka, lahan terbangun dan badan air. Peta hasil klasifikasi penutup lahan Kota Batam dapat dilihat pada Gambar 1.

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