
The process of takeoff and landing is a crucial factor in the phase of flight, other than because it is on the critical height but also the critical speed. At the time of the landing process required a low speed (no stall), as well as providing a high braking effect is obtained for a smooth landing and sliding distance is relatively short. At that result, in the process of landing a maximum flap deflection is used to produce CLmax and drag the highest. At the time the plane accelerate speeds for takeoff, immediately attempted to get the low takeoff speed (no stall), as well as provide a small braking effect to immediately achieved a high rate of speed. Thus required a small flap deflection of flaps on takeoff position.


  • The process of takeoff and landing is a crucial factor in the phase of flight, other than b ecause it is on the critical height and the critical speed

  • At the time of the landing process required a low speed, as well as providing a high braking effect is obtained for a smooth landing and sliding distanc e is relatively short

  • At the time the plane accelerate speeds for takeoff, immediately attemp ted to get the low takeoff speed, as well as provide a small braking effect to immediately achieved a high rate of speed

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Pada saat pesawat terbang dalam kondisi kecepatan rendah (low speed performance) misalnya saat proses takeoff (tinggal landas) atau landing (mendarat), gaya angkat merupakan kebutuhan yang sangat esensial dalam mengimbangi berat pesawat terbang. Kebutuhan gaya angkat secara cukup sebagai penyeimbang terhadap berat pesawat pada saat takeoff ataupun landing, merupakan masalah mengingat kecepatan pesawat yang masih relatif rendah. Pada sayap pesawat terbang dilengkapi peralatan penambah ga ya angkat yang disebut HLD (High Lift Devices), yang digunakan sebagai alat untuk menambah gaya angkat pada saat pesawat terbang sedang dalam kinerja berkecepatan rendah khususnya saat proses pendaratan atau tinggal landas.

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