
Sex offence to children is not uncommon now a days. Death following rape is also not unknown to us to prevent the victim to disclose the identity of the offender especially when the offender is known to the victim. Adult as well as juvenile sexual offenders against children exist in both inside and outside of our family system and posing a recognizable threat to vulnerable children. Sexual aberration and aggression reach its height when the offender after performing illegal sexual intercourse, kills the victim and even after death performs sexual intercourse with the dead body to achieve gratification, which is defined in term of 'Necrophilia'. Paedophilia is defined as recurrent, intense sexual fantasies, urges or behaviours involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child less than 13 years of age by a person who is 16 years or older and at least 5 years older than the child. Here in the following case a 7 year old girl was suffocated following rape and the assailant who was juvenile by age performed anal intercourse with the dead body to achieve gratification.

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