
Tomato cultivar Moneymaker was independently inoculated with Alternaria alternata, Cunninghamella elegans, Fusarium culmorum, F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici, F. oxysporum f.sp. pisi and Stromatinia gladioli and analysed ultrastructurally. The extent and amount of superficial fungal growth on tomato roots was similar but C. elegans, a saprophyte, was exceptional in that hyphae were not closely appressed to plant surfaces and did not adhere to plant cell walls.In general, the type of plant responses to fungal colonization and infection were similar in all of the interactions studied, with the exception of C. elegans which did not infect tomato root tissue. The failure to penetrate tomato roots by C. elegans may have been associated with the lack of hyphal adhesion to plant cell walls. Migration of cytoplasm and wall apposition/penetration papilla formation were regularly observed in tomato root tissue beneath appressed hyphae and at sites of fungal infection. Specific cellular reactions in the exodermis, namely the formation of wall ‘inclusions’ and appearance of ‘sensitive’ cells, indicated that exodermal cells were particularly responsive to fungal challenge. Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici, a pathogen of tomato, invaded tomato root tissue more extensively than the other fungi inoculated onto tomato roots. Infection of tomato by the other fungi studied was variable, and the extent and success of fungal invasion was tentatively associated with their necrotrophic capability and typical host range.

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