
We present a review on some of the basic aspects concerning quantum cosmology in the presence of cut-off physics as it has emerged in the literature during the last fifteen years. We first analyze how the Wheeler–DeWitt equation describes the quantum Universe dynamics, when a pure metric approach is concerned, showing how, in general, the primordial singularity is not removed by the quantum effects. We then analyze the main implications of applying the loop quantum gravity prescriptions to the minisuperspace model, i.e., we discuss the basic features of the so-called loop quantum cosmology. For the isotropic Universe dynamics, we compare the original approach, dubbed the μ0 scheme, and the most commonly accepted formulation for which the area gap is taken as physically scaled, i.e., the so-called μ¯ scheme. Furthermore, some fundamental results concerning the Bianchi Universes are discussed, especially with respect to the morphology of the Bianchi IX model. Finally, we consider some relevant criticisms developed over the last ten years about the real link existing between the full theory of loop quantum gravity and its minisuperspace implementation, especially with respect to the preservation of the internal SU(2) symmetry. In the second part of the review, we consider the dynamics of the isotropic Universe and of the Bianchi models in the framework of polymer quantum mechanics. Throughout the paper, we focus on the effective semiclassical dynamics and study the full quantum theory only in some cases, such as the FLRW model and the Bianchi I model in the Ashtekar variables. We first address the polymerization in terms of the Ashtekar–Barbero–Immirzi connection and show how the resulting dynamics is isomorphic to the μ0 scheme of loop quantum cosmology with a critical energy density of the Universe that depends on the initial conditions of the dynamics. The following step is to analyze the polymerization of volume-like variables, both for the isotropic and Bianchi I models, and we see that if the Universe volume (the cubed scale factor) is one of the configurational variables, then the resulting dynamics is isomorphic to that one emerging in loop quantum cosmology for the μ¯ scheme, with the critical energy density value being fixed only by fundamental constants and the Immirzi parameter. Finally, we consider the polymer quantum dynamics of the homogeneous and inhomogeneous Mixmaster model by means of a metric approach. In particular, we compare the results obtained by using the volume variable, which leads to the emergence of a singularity- and chaos-free cosmology, to the use of the standard Misner variable. In the latter case, we deal with the surprising result of a cosmology that is still singular, and its chaotic properties depend on the ratio between the lattice steps for the isotropic and anisotropic variables. We conclude the review with some considerations of the problem of changing variables in the polymer representation of the minisuperspace dynamics. In particular, on a semiclassical level, we consider how the dynamics can be properly mapped in two different sets of variables (at the price of having to deal with a coordinate dependent lattice step), and we infer some possible implications on the equivalence of the μ0 and μ¯ scheme of loop quantum cosmology.


  • Despite the fact that no self-consistent theory has been developed in quantum gravity, along the years, the arena of primordial cosmology has constituted a valuable test to estimate the predictivity of the proposed theories on the birth of the Universe and quantum evolution [14].The most significant change in the point of view on how to approach the quantization of the gravitational degrees of freedom took place with the formulation of the so-called loop quantum gravity (LQG) [11], especially because this formulation was able to construct a kinematical Hilbert space and to justify spontaneously the emergence of discrete area and volume spectra

  • Many criticisms have been made on the loop quantum cosmology (LQC) framework, mainly about the following points: whether the Bounce can be regarded as a semiclassical phenomenon or must be considered a purely quantum effect; the fact that the quantum dynamics is not derived by a symmetry reduction of the full LQG theory, but by quantizing cosmological models that are reduced before quantization; the use of the area gap as a parameter to construct the dynamics of the reduced theory and its effective description

  • Since the physical picture of the model is dictated by the scheme with a constant polymerization parameter, we can conclude that the semiclassical dynamics of the μformulation is the same of that obtained in the Ashtekar variables if the lattice parameter is canonically transformed so that no ambiguity arises about the universal character of the Big Bounce, i.e., about its independence on the initial conditions

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Despite the fact that no self-consistent theory has been developed in quantum gravity (for the most interesting approaches, see [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]), along the years, the arena of primordial cosmology has constituted a valuable test to estimate the predictivity of the proposed theories on the birth of the Universe and quantum evolution [14]. The cosmological implementation of LQG, commonly dubbed loop quantum cosmology (LQC), has the intrinsic limitation that the basic SU(2)-symmetry underlying the LQG formulation is unavoidably lost [15,16] when the minisuperspace dynamics is addressed This is due to the fact that the homogeneity constraint reduces the cosmological problem to a finite number of degrees of freedom; in particular, it becomes impossible to perform the local rotation and preserve the structure constants of the Lie algebra associated to the specific isometry group.

Cosmological Quantum Dynamics
The Isotropic Universe
Internal Clock
The Bianchi Universes
Loop Quantum Cosmology
Loop Quantum Gravity
Standard Loop Quantum Cosmology
Classical Phase Space
Improved Loop Quantum Cosmology
Effective Dynamics
Effective μ Scheme
Loop Quantization of the Anisotropic Sector
Bianchi Type I
Bianchi Type II
Bianchi Type IX
Criticisms and Shortcomings of LQC
Polymer Cosmology
Polymer Quantum Mechanics
Polymer Kinematics
Polymer Dynamics
Polymer Cosmology in the Ashtekar Variables
The FLRW Universe in the Ashtekar Variables
The Bianchi I Universe in the Ashtekar Variables
Polymer Cosmology in the Volume-like Variables
The FLRW Universe in the Volume Variables
Polymer Cosmology in the Misner-like Variables
The Bianchi IX Model in the Misner Variables
The Inhomogeneous Mixmaster Model in the Volume Variable
The Link between Polymer Quantum Mechanics and Loop Quantum Cosmology
Concluding Remarks
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